Real Estate

Why Real Estate?

Why I choose Real Estate?

As the expression goes:

“Find a job you love and you won’t work a day in your life.”

I can’t really stress this. You have to love your job. Work is work, but to love it gives life a whole different meaning. I love my job. Most people have long days and work really hard, and yet not everyone has a job they love.

In Real Estate: I feel it comes down to these top three reasons:

1. People and their stories

Everyone has a story, and each one fascinates me. It’s the people I meet, that I would otherwise not have known, and the life stories they share with me that I love, love, love the most about my job.

2. Each day it’s something new

Sure, there are regular tasks, but every day brings a different combination of things. New people, new properties, new obstacles to get past … no two days are ever the same. Especially being on a team that share same goals. Everyone of us wants to work hard to see each other succeed. There’s no room for competition with who I work for.

3. You never stop learning

While it can be intimidating to not have an answer for everything, as someone that loves learning, my job provides a smorgasbord of things to learn. Market trends, new technologies, social media and the things that just pop up in every deal means there’s always something to learn. You are always learning and that is power. Knowledge is power.


With love,


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