
Sophia’s Welcoming ?

It is a tradition when a baby is born usually on the 7th day, we do an Aqiqah, which a form of Sadaqah. You sacrifice one sheep or goat for a baby girl. We had our family and friends over and did a special dish called Ogra. It’s a stew with all form of lentils with yogurt, turmeric and pepper. It’s so tasty. I will post a recipe and picture of it.

Here is Sophia’s Aqiqah Welcoming Party. Sophia was born on April 2nd we did it on April 20th to have our family from Upstate drive in.

Cake pops were done by SweetSetups. She did such an amazing job. Cake was done by my beautifully talented sister Zaheda & I.

[wpvideo kuveWEmC ]

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