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Sophia’s 1st Birthday ?

Our baby girl is one today! What an incredible year it’s been! In honor of Sophie’s 1st birthday, I wanted to write a letter to my daughter.

My Precious Sophia Zara Ahmed,

In just a few days you, my baby girl, will be 1 year old! It feels like yesterday I was anxiously awaiting your arrival and now, a whole year has passed and soon you’ll be walking and talking. It’s been the best year watching you grow up before my eyes.

You, Sophia, are the light of my life. You always hear parents talk about their children and how much they mean to them, but until you become a parent you don’t realize just how real those words are. Since having you and Mansour, our world has changed and I never knew how much I could love another person until I met you and Mansour.

The truth is that I always dreamed of becoming a mother to a daughter named Sophia, but I never really knew what it would mean to me or how it would change my life. I can now say with certainty that you and Mansour have made me a better person and I also know with confidence that I was meant to be your mom. I’ve never loved a role more, or felt more at ease than when I’m with you. Thank you to you and Mansour for giving me the greatest gift I’ll ever receive.

You, my Sophia, are something special. So, so very special. And not special like you have to be because you’re my daughter, but because there’s something so unique and magical about you. You have the ability to lighten up every room and you make every situation brighter. You’re my greatest accomplishment. My greatest gift. I love you more than words.

Love Always,


Your Mom ?



We celebrated Sophia’s 1st Birthday at #whitepostfarms in Melville, Long Island New York with family and friends. I have to say it was the best 1st birthday party you can ever throw for your child. To have all the kids together and play and sing laugh with animals and lots of activities is more than a mom could imagine for her child’s birthday. Here are the fun filled pictures with loved ones. Anyone that knows me knows I love pom poms. 🙂


When Llama ? theme came out with the pom poms and Sophia’s birthday was going to be in the farm with animals. I said this is the perfect idea to go with theme.


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