Site icon Nafeesa Nasimi


Parenting is hard. Period. There is no easy road. No easy solutions. No one perfect way to parent. Yet, it seems everywhere you turn there is another “expert” telling you what you should and should not do with your children and they ALWAYS conflict.

So who are you supposed to turn to when you need to not feel so alone? Where should you look for real parenting advice and stories?

I recently saw this article post this picture and I couldn’t agree more. Most of us are caught up in a hectic whirlwind of activities which start on Monday morning, end on Sunday night and then begin all over again. Time slips by as we rush to complete urgent tasks which relate to juggling jobs, running the household, chauffeuring our children, our parents, relatives and spouses to work, school, appointments and commitments. Yet, we all acknowledge, that spending quality time together is the best way.

It was Dr. Anthony P. Witham who once said “children spell love…T-I-M-E.” He was definitely onto something. Unfortunately, if you are like most parents, time is a precious commodity that often eludes us. Whether we have a new job, a new baby, or we just need to make the coffee or strip the beds, we always seem to be wishing for more time. We need more. We want more. But we feel we just don’t have it. Does that mean we don’t love them? Of course not.

Spending quality time with our children is extremely important for their development and happiness. Spending time with your children provides them with opportunities to learn and to be heard. Most of all, it provides you and your children with time to connect. It’s these connections that make your children feel loved. So leave the beds unstripped for another few minutes and put the coffee on an automatic timer. Take those extra moments to spend with your children. When you look back, you will be thankful for the memories.

Even if it’s that 9 minutes of during the day that can have a greatest impact on your child.