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Gender Reveal ??

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How We Wonder What You Are?

Never thought I would be one of those that would do a gender reveal. But this one was truly special in its own way. Ever since Mansour find out I was expecting, his younger Aunt told him at when I was only 12 weeks. Lol. His excitement was truly speechless. He was so excited. We moved in our new place and we were putting away his clothes in his room. He picked one his new pieces he never worn and said Mom, this is for my baby sister. ? It was a connection from the very beginning he just knew he was having a sister sibling. This pregnancy was just even more special him being around through it all and understanding. I’m so glad I waited and had Sophia now, because I look back my pregnancy months with Mansour understanding everything and his excitement for everything made it even more fun.

When we went to find out what we were having, and they said it’s a girl, and Mansour said 100% he was so sure it’s a girl. Masood and I thought when we have all the family over we will do this surprise just for him. Because of his excitement waiting for his baby sister to come.

One thing I will forever be grateful for was every prenatal visit Mansour went with me and his dad. He was always there and always asking my Dr so many questions about Sophia’s arrival. ??

Check it out. 🙂