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    Dubai (Part II)

    The second part of Dubai was when we enjoyed our stay even more. With accolades like having the tallest building in the world (Burj Khalifa), the biggest mall in the world (Dubai Mall), Dubai has come a long way from being just a desert. Despite what it has grown into in such a short time, each time popular travel sites posts about Dubai.                       Dubai is opulent and dramatic. Everything you…

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  • Florida

    Sunshine State ??

    How many times can we go to Florida? I have gone at least 5 times and we still discover new places each time. Florida is 100% dedicated to relaxation, entertainment, and nature. It is…

  • Cabos San Lucas

    Our Trip to Cabos, Mexico ??

    Viva la Mexico! 🙂 Our very first trip to Cabos San Lucas. My husband says once a year go somewhere you have never been before. After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree from College, it was…

  • Quebec


    Quebec was another city we went to explore for the very first time when visiting Montreal. Quebec is quite different than Montreal. In Quebec, this summer they held the music festival. If you ever…

  • Ottawa


    This summer, we went and explored the main city of Canada which is called Ottawa. We have been to Montreal and Quebec last year and was in love with both cities. We went during…