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  • Motherhood

    Sophia’s Welcoming ?

    It is a tradition when a baby is born usually on the 7th day, we do an Aqiqah, which a form of Sadaqah. You sacrifice one sheep or goat for a baby girl. We…

  • Motherhood

    Sophia’s 1st Birthday ?

    Our baby girl is one today! What an incredible year it’s been! In honor of Sophie’s 1st birthday, I wanted to write a letter to my daughter. My Precious Sophia Zara Ahmed, In just a…

  • Motherhood


    Parenting is hard. Period. There is no easy road. No easy solutions. No one perfect way to parent. Yet, it seems everywhere you turn there is another “expert” telling you what you should and…

  • Motherhood

    Baby Shower Fun

    My sisters and I threw a baby shower for the arrival of Sophia. This day was even more special to me, because it was our anniversary day. Married for 12 years. ? It was…