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Life Style

    Life Style


    Hi Everyone, Today I get to celebrate 16 years of marriage with my husband. It gives me goosebumps just saying that number. As I sit down to write this blog post and realize how far Masood and I have come, I will first and foremost be forever grateful to Allah SWT. Masood has been the biggest gift in my life. Incredibly grateful to Allah Almighty for having a companion in this life for 16 years and grateful I am for…

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  • Life Style

    Concerts | Broadway Shows

    If you are ever in NYC, or currently live in NYC you must go watch a Broadway show. Broadway shows are one of the most popular attractions in New York City. In just 2010,…

  • Life Style

    NYC Guide

    NEW YORK CITY is truly a remarkable place to discover all incredible gems in one city. It is filled of diversity that has brought all different variety of cuisines that have been curated for you.…

  • Life Style

    Favorite Quotes

    We all love quotes we come across in our daily life whether it is pertaining to life, love, work, family, love, school, etc… These are a few I have selectively selected that has been…

  • Beauty & Health

    New Year, New Hair

    Trying out a new salon can always be very nerve wrecking. You’re afraid of what if your hair comes out wrong, you don’t like it, it’s not what you expected, or what if your…