All Posts By

Nafeesa Nasimi

  • Dubai

    Dubai (Part II)

    The second part of Dubai was when we enjoyed our stay even more. With accolades like having the tallest building in the world (Burj Khalifa), the biggest mall in the world (Dubai Mall), Dubai…

  • Motherhood


    Parenting is hard. Period. There is no easy road. No easy solutions. No one perfect way to parent. Yet, it seems everywhere you turn there is another “expert” telling you what you should and…

  • Research

    All About Alzheimer’s

    At this point everyone is concerned about age-related changes, but especially if they had a relative with dementia or are concerned about dementia. It’s a frustrating field in some ways; Alzheimer’s is a devastating…

  • Research

    Neuroscience Life ?

    Neuroscience was something that always interested me ever since I was able to watch those Discovery Channel specials on the brain and the nervous system where they would show cool case studies. The brain…

  • Florida

    Sunshine State ??

    How many times can we go to Florida? I have gone at least 5 times and we still discover new places each time. Florida is 100% dedicated to relaxation, entertainment, and nature. It is…