All Posts By

Nafeesa Nasimi

  • Life Style

    1st Friendsgiving ?

    So this year was the first time we were at a friend’s house and a few of us said we have to do it. My family and friends always wanted to do a Friendsgiving.…

  • Motherhood

    Sophia’s 1st Tooth Party ?

    It is a tradition in our culture as well as in Armenian culture to do a celebration when the first tooth comes. We do a special dish my mom makes that consists of all…

  • Motherhood

    Sophia’s 1st Year

    Salaam everybody. Newest member of the Ummah 🙂   Her 11 day photoshoot when Cathy Borgognone came to our house.  @aplaceinthesun     Sophia’s Aqiqah       Her 1st month photoshoot 🙂  …

  • Motherhood

    Sophia’s Welcoming ?

    It is a tradition when a baby is born usually on the 7th day, we do an Aqiqah, which a form of Sadaqah. You sacrifice one sheep or goat for a baby girl. We…

  • Motherhood

    Sophia’s 1st Birthday ?

    Our baby girl is one today! What an incredible year it’s been! In honor of Sophie’s 1st birthday, I wanted to write a letter to my daughter. My Precious Sophia Zara Ahmed, In just a…