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Nafeesa Nasimi

    Life Style


    Hi Everyone, Today I get to celebrate 16 years of marriage with my husband. It gives me goosebumps just saying that number. As I sit down to write this blog post and realize how far Masood and I have come, I will first and foremost be forever grateful to Allah SWT. Masood has been the biggest gift in my life. Incredibly grateful to Allah Almighty for having a companion in this life for 16 years and grateful I am for…

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  • Life Style

    Concerts | Broadway Shows

    If you are ever in NYC, or currently live in NYC you must go watch a Broadway show. Broadway shows are one of the most popular attractions in New York City. In just 2010,…

  • Life Style

    NYC Guide

    NEW YORK CITY is truly a remarkable place to discover all incredible gems in one city. It is filled of diversity that has brought all different variety of cuisines that have been curated for you.…

  • Life Style

    Favorite Quotes

    We all love quotes we come across in our daily life whether it is pertaining to life, love, work, family, love, school, etc… These are a few I have selectively selected that has been…